With Dr. Morgan
With Dr. Morgan
I’m so excited to offer a variety of tailored and affordable wellness coaching packages that have been specifically designed to help you achieve your goals in a positive and supportive environment.to help you achieve your goals.
Whether you are prepping for your next competition or simply building the body and lifestyle of your dreams, there's a package that will suit you.
Gain knowledge and insight into how your body responds in accordance to your menstrual cycle and using that knowledge to not only respect it but use it in an advantageous way to losing body fat.
You can expect to lose 0.5g body fat per week whilst building lean muscle mass which will not only help improve your strength and vitality but will also help you build shape and tone your whole body.
You can expect to feel more accepting of your body, and build more confidence in your sense of self. Throughout your program, you will learn to like or maybe even love who you see in the mirror.
Gain more insight into who you are as a person, what makes you tick, what makes you run or avoid, and build a framework of tools/resources to help you navigate life in a more objective and compassionate way.
This offering is what I love to do and it is my absolute passion tailored just for you! Join me on an enjoyable photo session where I'll not only capture incredible images but also provide valuable styling, prop, and posing tips for amazing images and content.
This offering is what I love to do and it is my absolute passion tailored just for you! Join me on an enjoyable photo session where I'll not only capture incredible images but also provide valuable styling, prop, and posing tips for amazing images and content.
Crafted with care in Australia using the finest natural and organic ingredients and therapeutic essential oil blends by Body Temple are designed to promote optimal skin health and enhance your well-being. Immerse yourself in a sensory journey.
As a qualified osteopath, I help my patients improve their posture and body mechanical function, pain relief, and I advise them on optimising their overall health and lifestyle.
Insights and methods for living a fulfilling, healthy, happy and positive lifestyle.
Elevate your well-being—subscribe to get my blog updates and wellness tips!